How to Guide for the VC OS

How to Guide for the VC OS

Over the last two years, I built a robust operating system for running a VC fund. It is built in Airtable and integrates with Google Calendar and Slack. It allows you to manage investments, meetings, LPs, portfolio companies and more. Check out the videos below or get a copy.

This is a guide to the Airtable-based Operating System that I built to run a VC firm - investment pipeline, portfolio tracking, LP CRM, meeting tracker, productivity, etc.

Using this tool, I have been able to manage 70+ portfolio companies and 100+ LPs efficiently as a solo GP without any admin support.

This is meant to handle a lot of different functions involved in running a VC firm, but it is build modularly, so that it can be used for just parts. For example, as a portfolio management tool alongside a dedicated CRM, this can work very well (especially with cross linking).

It can also be used by Angel Investors who want to track the companies they meet, their co-investors and intro sources, along with their holding values.

I recommend spending time exploring it and then making the necessary modifications and additions to suit your working style and needs.

All videos can be found here.

Part 1: Investment Pipeline
Part 2: Meetings
Part 3: Making an investment, creating a Holding
Part 4: Portfolio Metrics Updates
Part 5: Angel Investor Database
Part 6: LP CRM - People, Funds, LPs
Part 7: Company Investment Memos
Part 8: Misc - Locations, Events, Travel
Part 9: Bonus: Consulting Hourly Billing and Invoices
Part 10: Advanced Fundraising CRM (Detailed Fund Opportunity Construction)
Additional features

As questions come up, I plan to publish more detailed videos.

Another overview video can be found here:

You can also so a basic taxonomy here:

For a live demo and questions, reach out to alexoppenheimer [at] gmail

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