VC Operating System + Angel OS

VC Operating System + Angel OS

Over the last two years, I built a robust operating system for running a VC fund. It is built in Airtable and integrates with Google Calendar and Slack. It allows you to manage investments, meetings, LPs, portfolio companies and more.
We also built a template in Notion which is a bit simpler and catered towards Angel Investors to help them manage their deal flow, network and portfolio.
Learn about how it works here: 🌎How to Guide for the VC OS

Check it out on Product Hunt


(Haven’t used Airtable or Notion before? I highly recommend both.)

VC OS - Airtable


Angel OS - Notion


Please note: some features require premium Airtable or Notion subscriptions. These templates do not include maintenance or updates. All guidelines included are provided through this page.

The templates are meant to be customized for your needs and filled with your data - enjoy!

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